Urban farming plot

In Singapore, it is common for commercial properties to have a 2m planting strip along the boundary of the compound. Here, we tested the viability of growing food on these 2m planting strips. The current planting strip was strangely, a 10cm high raised bed built on tarmac road. We raised the soil level by a further 20cm by using light weight blocks as an edging. The existing grass was sheet mulched, with soil & compost added over a layer of cardboard. Aesthetics was not a major concern here as the focus was to grow food on a budget. A round of green manure was completed before planting the production plants. We had 2 main crops - brinjal & okra. We also included support plants such as pinto peanuts as a perennial ground cover, along with pigeon pea and candle bushes to produce biomass for mulching.


Mini food forest


Bas’s garden